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Monday, June 9, 2070 (May 27, 2070 by the Julian calendar)
6th Week after Pascha, Tone five
Hieromartyr Therapon, bishop of Sardis (259).
[.:] Translation of the relics (1667) of St. Nilus of Stolben Island (1554).
St. Therapontes, abbot of Byelozersk (White Lake) (1426).
Translation of the relics (1472) of Sts. Cyprian (1406), Photius (1431), and Jonah (1461), metropolitans of Kiev.
St. Therapontes, abbot of Monza (1597).
St. John the Russian, whose relics are on the island of Euboea (1730).
Virgin-martyr Theodora and Martyr Didymus the Soldier of Alexandria (304).
Martyr Julian the Veteran at Dorostolum, Moesia (304) (Romania).
St. Bede the Venerable (735) (Celtic & British).
St. Michael of Parekheli, Georgia (8th-9th c.).
St. Basil of Khakhuli, son of King Bagrat III (11th c.).
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