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Saturday, April 16, 2061 (April 3, 2061 by the Julian calendar)
Bright Week
Entire week.
St. Nicetas the Confessor, abbot of Medikion (824).
Virgin-martyr Theodosia of Tyre (308) and Martyr Irene.
St. Illyricus of Mt. Myrsinon in the Peloponnesus.
Martyrs Elpidephorus, Dius, Bithonius, and Galycus (3rd c.).
New Martyr Paul the Russian at Constantinople (1683).
St. Nectarius, abbot, of Bezhetsk (1492).
Icons of the Most Holy Theotokos "The Unfading Flower," and Iveron.
Martyr Ulphianus of Tyre (306).
St. Joseph the Hymnographer, of Sicily (883) (Greek).
Martyrs Cassius, Philip, and Eutychius of Thessalonica (304).
Martyrs Evagrius, Benignus, Christus, Arestus, Kinnudius, Rufus, Patricius, and Zosima at Tomis (310).
St. Fara (Burgondofara) of Eboriac or Faremoutiers (7th c.).
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