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Monday, December 9, 2069 (November 26, 2069 by the Julian calendar)
28th Week after Pentecost, Tone two
Nativity (St. Philip's Fast).
St. Alypius the Stylite of Adrianopolis (640).
Dedication of the Church of St. George at Kiev (1051).
+ Repose of St. Innocent, first bishop of Irkutsk (1731).
New Hieromartyrs Nicolos, John, Gregory and Nazarius, Basil, Basil, Ilia, Basil, Daniel, Michael, Nicolos priests, New Hieromartyr Tikhon (1937).
New Hieromartyr Piter (after 1937).
St. James the Solitary of Syria (457).
St. Nicon Metanoeite ("Preacher of Repentance") of Armenia (998).
New Martyr George of Chios (1807) (Greek).
St. Stylianos of Paphlagonia, monk (Greek).
St. Silas, bishop of Persidos (Greek).
St. Peter, patriarch of Jerusalem (552).
St. Acacius of Mt. Latros (6th c.) (Greek).
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