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Tuesday, November 5, 2058 (October 23, 2058 by the Julian calendar)
23rd Week after Pentecost, Tone five
[.:] Holy Apostle James the Brother of the Lord (63).
[.:] Translation of the relics of Blessed James of Borovichi, wonderworker of Novgorod (1540).
New Hieromartyrs Nicolos, Vladimir, Alexander, Nicolos, Emilian and Sozont priests (1937).
St. Ignatius, patriarch of Constantinople (877).
St. Nicephorus of Charsianos, Constantinople.
St. Elisha of Lavrishevo, Belo-Russia (1250).
St. Petronius, disciple of St. Pachomius the Great (346).
St. Oda of Amay, foundress of churches (723) (Neth.).
St. Macarius the Roman of Mesopotamia.
New Hieromartyr Archbishop Theodore (Pozdeyev), of Moscow (1937).
New Hieromartyr Archpriest Vladimir Ambartsumov of Moscow (1937).
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