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Monday, February 4, 2058 (January 22, 2058 by the Julian calendar)
Week of the Publican and the Pharisee, Tone eight
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Apostle Timothy of the Seventy (ca. 96).
Monk-martyr Anastasius the Persian (628).
New Hieromartyrs John, Nicolos, Jacob, Peter, John, John, John and Euthymius priest (1938).
Martyr Anastasius the Deacon of the Kiev Caves (12th c.).
St. Macarius, abbot of Zhabyn (1623).
Martyrs Manuel, George, Peter, Leontius, bishops; Sionius, Gabriel, John, Leontus, Parodus, presbyters; and 377 companions in Bulgaria (814).
St. Joseph Samakus the Sanctified of Crete (1511) (Greek).
St. Brithwald of Wilton (1045) (Celtic & British).
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Tags: Orthodox Menologion Online, Orthodox Calendar 2011, Menologion, Typikon, holiday, celebration, Church Calendar 2011, Easter 2011